Accountability and Transparency 150 150 Kim Goodwin District 3 School Board, Vice Chairman

Accountability and Transparency

  • promote transparency in the decision making process

Promoting transparency in the decision-making process ultimately builds trust, improves accountability, and creates a sense of ownership among parents, teachers, and students. By openly sharing information and involving the community, we can make more informed decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the students and the broader education community.

  • ensure open communication channels with parents, teachers and students

Ensuring open communication channels with parents, teachers, and students involves creating an atmosphere of trust, respect, and collaboration.

  • implement measures to hold school board members accountable for their actions

Exerting significant pressure on school board members to act responsibly and in the best interests of the community. By implementing these measures, it becomes easier to account for and ensure that school board members are held to a high standard of performance and integrity.

  • advocate for clear and accessible information regarding school board policies and procedures

The advocacy for clear and accessible information regarding school board policies and procedures is about cultivating transparency and effective communication within the educational community. By making information readily available and understandable, it empowers individuals to be informed, engaged, and actively participate in shaping their educational environment.