Education! Not Indoctrination!

I believe in the importance of providing students with a well-rounded and balanced education that promotes critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, and the transmission of traditional values and knowledge.  I oppose any form of indoctrination or biased teaching that seeks to promote a specific ideological or political agenda. The following is my perspective on education:

    1. Academic Rigor
    2. Balanced Curriculum
    3. Civic Education
    4. Respect for Tradition and Values
    5. No Indoctrination
    6. Open Debate and Discussion
    7. Parental Involvement
    8. Limited Government Influence
    9. Critical Analysis of Ideologies
    10. Free Expression


The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has reported a significant decline in student academic performance over the past five decades, particularly in math scores since 1990 and stagnant reading scores since 1971. Contributing factors include reduced student interest in reading, increased absenteeism, and growing mental health issues. The Common Core Curriculum Standards, implemented in 2012, is a key factor in this decline, due to its impact on math education and reading materials. Public schools are increasingly focused on promoting specific ideologies, leading to concerns about student mental health, illiteracy, and the need for alternative education options.

Here is an article that will give you some information on the problems the nation faces with our schools. This is sad and needs to be changed. Even in our good schools of York County we have the derivative of CRT called Social Emotional Learning, (SEL). Once the political machine realized parents were on to CRT, they came out with a more creative way to weave in Marxist ideology. Yes, it is in our school too but it is not as overt as other places. That is why you will hear “CRT is not in our schools”. It’s not called CRT. It’s called SEL and it isn’t what you think.

From American Thinker

Can America Survive As A Self-Governing People?

Social Transistiioning

I believe in preserving traditional values and norms, including traditional definitions of gender and family. I view social transitioning, particularly by children and adolescents, as a departure from these values.

I’m concerned about the impact of social transitioning on children and adolescents. Children are not developmentally capable of making such profound decisions and they should be protected from making irreversible choices.

Parents should have the primary authority and responsibility for making decisions about their children’s upbringing, including decisions related to gender identity and expression. I oppose government or medical intervention in these matters.

As the trans community gains more visibility, there is a growing focus on addressing mental health disparities within this population. Notably, research consistently highlights suicide as a significant health disparity affecting trans individuals. Multiple studies have revealed that over 40% of trans individuals have made suicide attempts at some point in their lives. Various factors contribute to these alarming rates of suicidal ideation and attempts, with minority stress being considered a primary underlying cause.

This is happening all around the country. I am glad to see that schools are being sued and parents are winning the battle. I am disgusted that a school whose responsibility is to teach reading, writing math etc.. would abuse a child in this way. These are the kinds of things I will fight to keep out of our schools if elected to the School Board.

California Mom Wins Settlement Against School District That Socially Transitioned Her Daughter

Accountability and Transparency

    • promote transparency in the decision making process

Promoting transparency in the decision-making process ultimately builds trust, improves accountability, and creates a sense of ownership among parents, teachers, and students. By openly sharing information and involving the community, we can make more informed decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the students and the broader education community.


    • ensure open communication channels with parents, teachers and students

Ensuring open communication channels with parents, teachers, and students involves creating an atmosphere of trust, respect, and collaboration.


    • implement measures to hold school board members accountable for their actions

Exerting significant pressure on school board members to act responsibly and in the best interests of the community. By implementing these measures, it becomes easier to account for and ensure that school board members are held to a high standard of performance and integrity.


    • advocate for clear and accessible information regarding school board policies and procedures

The advocacy for clear and accessible information regarding school board policies and procedures is about cultivating transparency and effective communication within the educational community. By making information readily available and understandable, it empowers individuals to be informed, engaged, and actively participate in shaping their educational environment.

Budgeting & Fiscal Stewardship

  • seek efficient and effective allocation of resources
  • prioritize prudent financial management to safeguard tax payer dollars
  • monitor and review expenditures to ensure responsible use of funds
  • collaborate with community stakeholders to explore innovative funding solutions

Commitment to Quality Education

    • support rigorous academic standards and curriculum excellence

I support rigorous academic standards and curriculum excellence because I believe that a strong education system, grounded in essential knowledge and skills, is vital for individual success, societal well-being, and the preservation of traditional values. We must have clear standards, accountability, content-based curriculum, traditional teaching methods, local control, parental choice, and the development of critical thinking and civics education.

    • advocate for resources that maximize student achievement

I want to prioritize student achievement by advocating for educational choice, school accountability, efficient resource allocation, local control, parental involvement, and an emphasis on core subjects. I believe that by implementing these principles, resources can be effectively directed towards strategies and programs that maximize educational outcomes for all students.

    • foster a safe and nurturing learning environment for every student

We must emphasize the importance of discipline, traditional values, individual responsibility, parental involvement, intellectual diversity, and a safe physical environment to cultivate a safe and nurturing learning environment for every student. These elements contribute to the holistic development of students, ensuring they receive a quality education and have the tools necessary to succeed academically and personally.

    • give our teachers the support they need both financially and administratively

We should provide teachers with the support they need, both financially and administratively, in order for them to prepare a high-quality education system. By recognizing the value of education, offering fair compensation, empowering local decision-making, reducing administrative burdens, and promoting professional development, this would create an environment where teachers can thrive and students can receive the best possible education.

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